How Will I Feel After Session?
How you feel after a therapy session is dependent on many factors - from the thoughts, feelings, behaviours and experiences that you explore in session, to your energy levels coming into session. The activities you were doing immediately before session, and what you plan to do immediately after can also have an impact. Additional factors, such as whether you are feeling healthy or unwell, how you’ve been sleeping, your therapist’s own energy levels in session, your feelings about the therapy process, or how you currently feel about your therapist. Safe to say, the list is considerable.
So immediately after, you might experience feelings of relief, a calmness or catharsis, feeling lighter or more positive. In contrast, vulnerability and emotional exhaustion are also common responses - sometimes described as a therapy hangover. Neither response is negative or a cause for concern, in fact both responses can be an indication that you are engaging deeply with experiences or feelings that need to be explored.
In the hours or days following, subtle shifts in mood or perspective may also occur. Insights gained can lead to feelings of empowerment, or offer greater clarity. Resistance and discomfort might arise as well. Be patient and gentle with yourself, and remember, therapeutic growth can take time. Learning to embrace the fluidity of your emotions and trusting in the process, and in your therapist is an important part of the work.
Whatever emotion you experience post-session, it’s always worth reflecting on it with your therapist by bringing it back into the next, or a future session. Your therapist is there to support you - not only during session, but in the work that happens in the space between sessions too.
Finally, a good therapist will always check in at the end of sessions, ensuring you are safe to leave, and able to transition back into the world outside of the safety of the therapy room. Therapy is a collaborative process, and should feel safe and it’s important that you feel your therapist is checking in with you regularly to ensure you feel supported and that the work your doing together is having a positive impact.